Saturday, April 9, 2011

60-Day Challenge

Why Should I Join the Akea 60-Day Challenge?
 "Click" 60-Day Challenge Video to the right.

Akea’s mission is to have a profound impact on your health and wellness by helping you easily incorporate the principles of the world’s healthiest people into your daily life.

Are You "Hot Spot" Healthy?
Longevity hot spots the world over share one thing in common: Their people are healthier and live longer than anyone else in the world.
Take the 2-minute Self Assessment Test to the right.  It's FREE!

What are people saying about Akea Essentials?
"Click" on the Dean Feazelle video to the right and the "Testimonials" link to see how Akea is changing peoples lives! 

Akea's Money Back Guarantee is second to none! 
If you feel Essentials does not work for you, simply call Akea and we will immediately refund your money—100 percent of your first order, if you call within 60 days of purchase.
To review Akea's Guarantee, "Click" on the GOLDEN SEAL link to the right for complete details. 

Register Now!  Why Wait, Start Today!  
 "Click" on the "REGISTER NOW" tab at the top of this site.

What Businesses are promoting Akea Essentials?
We have a variety of Local Sponsoring Businesses that are offering "Special" discounts for Akea 60-Day Challenge Participants. 
"Click" on the tab "Business Discounts" to view special promotions for all participants.